All I can say first and foremost is WOW what a huge turnout, I can't even begin to thank everyone enough for coming out and sweating their asses off with us Sunday! We had so many neato bikes show up that I think even Willie from Tropical Tattoos was impressed and his bike show is legendary. I really wanna give a props to a few people for working hard for no $$, Suzanne-the hula hoop girl, Chris Harris- the grill cook, DJ Misha & Hollywood- hype boys and crowd entertainers. Also big thanks to DNA Energy Drink for setting up and passing out free drinks and jerky to everyone it was a crowd pleaser. Poke N Stuffem brought some colorful creatures to the party and Rachel wanted to say thanks to everyone who bought their very own cuddly monster. FNA Customs and Fat American Choppers came to party and brought some bad ass bikes and one cool Cadillac filled with pretty girls! DeadBeat Motor Cult was in full force I really like all those crazy kids and I am happy they brought some of their DeadBeat friends/motorcycles to the party. If it wasn't for these sponsors we wouldn't have had so much cool stuff to raffle and giveaway: Biltwell, SmutLife, Custom Chrome, Stone Edge Skate Park, Budweiser, The Horse, Hollerbach's Willow Tree Cafe, Avon Tyres, Poke N Stuffem, Angry White Boy, I hope I didn't leave any one out! Last but not least thanks to the bands Kinky Catawampus and Room Full of Strangers for bringing down the house at Little Fish Huge Pond!
Ok, so I am gonna tease ya a little bit with the pictures. I have wrangled up so many that there is plenty to spread out over a few days. So.... more pictures and stories about the party to come soon.